I think there are two key things a local service website needs in order to be successful.
- Ability for the user to find the needed information as fast as possible
- Search engine optimized and conversion rate optimized pages
I also think the best homepage for a local services website is super subjective, like music, but anyways this is the wireframe of my ideal homepage.
Wireframe/Information Architecture of the Homepage
Why This Template?
This wireframe allows for the business and user to both be at their best.
- For the business, the most important or top revenue driving service is at the top left in the main body content of the homepage.
- For the user, the services they might be looking for are in plain sight and they can easily navigate to their desired service and find more information OR they can simply request a quote or call the business.
How Is this helpful for SEO?
Nowadays search engine bots are super similar to humans (another subjective statement ha).
- The homepage is essential the most valuable page for all other pages on the website. The "trust flow" or "importance flow" starts with the homepage and moves its way down to other pages. In this case those other important pages are the "Top Revenue" driving services or locations.
- This shows the search engine that your business does all of these things (top revenue driver #1-#6)
- It also shows the search egnigne these pages are important because they are linked directly on your homepage.
Thats great but can you show me an example of what it would look like for a business?
Sure, lets pretend you are doing SEO for a party entertainer:
- The services you offer might range from a magic show for a kids bday party to being a clown and making balloons, to a corporate magician.
- Again, lets pretend those are your only three services but you service the SF Bay area.
- The homepage might look like something below:
Hope this is starting to make sense! This homepage design is not only good for SEO but it can be great for other tactics like Google AdWords. If you need any small business SEO help or a Google AdWords Consultant please let me know, happy to help!